Every year is a little bit different in the property market, but 2019 is going to be a watershed year.
If you’re curious about what’s going to be affecting the property market in the year ahead, you’re going to enjoy today’s conversation with Ahmad Imam.
We’re going to talk about the major trends what will shape our real estate markets in 2019 and beyond.
After you listen to today’s episode, you’ll be more informed and less worried, because you’ll know what to look out for, and you’ll find out more about the opportunities ahead.
Some of the highlights from today’s discussion:
There was a serious crisis of confidence in 2018, made worse by fear-mongering media coverage.
The double-digit capital growth experienced in Sydney and Melbourne during the boom was not sustainable. The current correction is an important part of the property cycle.
There is more than one property market, and not all of Australia’s property markets were in a downturn in 2018.
Experienced investors see the normal downturn in the property cycle as a time of great opportunity.
Sydney and Melbourne got the main benefits of national low-interest rates because those are the places the majority of immigrants went.
Investment grade properties and A-grade homes are still holding their value.
In order for property values to “crash” it means that people have to sell and no one will be available to buy. This is different from the normal ups and downs of the market.
Four ways to make money in property: rent return, capital growth, manufactured capital growth, and tax benefits.
Make your investment decisions based on fundamentals, not on the media.
Now it’s important than ever to follow a system
In 2019, there will be more media predicting market crashes, which could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Interest rates won’t rise in 2019.
Wages growth will probably only increase slowly in 2019.
Markets will become more fragmented than ever in 2019.
Brisbane property is likely to see growth in 2019.
The inner suburbs are doing better than outer suburbs, creating a reverse ripple effect.
If the market falls further, APRA will recommend the banks begin lending more
Links and Resources:
Michael Yardney
Metropole Property Strategists
Ahmad Imam
MUST ATTEND this year: – 2019 National Property & Economic Market Updates – in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane Use the coupon code PODCAST and come as our guest
Some of our favourite quotes from the show:
“We’ve got so many clients who’ve been around the block a few times, who have been waiting for this opportunity, who’ve geared themselves up and we’re helping them buy investment-grade properties.” – Michael Yardney.
“Those who know what’s going on, those who’ve got a level of perspective, will see opportunities.” — Michael Yardney
“There’s no way of getting rich quick at this stage of the property cycle.” — Michael Yardney
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Read more: propertyupdate.com.au