We’ve all heard about to-do lists.
The best to-do lists incorporate daily activities that help move you forward in life towards accomplishing your goals and realizing your dreams.
But you probably never heard of a to-don’t list.
A to-don’t list is equally as important as a to-do list.
A to-don’t list includes things you should never do because they are either time wasters, bad habits or activities that throw a wrench along your path and which prevent you from moving forward in the pursuit of your dreams and goals.
A typical to-don’t list might include the following:
Don’t watch more than 1 hour of TV today – Time-Wasting Habit.
Don’t waste time today on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. – Time-Wasting Habit.
Don’t envy anyone today – Envy Fosters a Negative Mindset – Negativity impairs: clear thinking, problem-solving, creativity and decision-making.
Don’t make any impulse purchases today – Poor Money Habit.
Don’t gossip today – Toxic Trait – Impairs relationships and destroys trust.
Don’t gamble today – Poor Money Habit.
Don’t drink in excess today – Poor Health Habit. Also impairs: clear thinking, problem-solving, creativity and decision-making.
Don’t lose my temper today – Toxic Trait – Impairs relationships.
Don’t ignore my family today – Misplaced Value-System – Family should be your #1 Priority. Your priorities = your true values.
Don’t read negative news articles today – Fosters a Negative Mindset – Negativity impairs: clear thinking, problem-solving, creativity and decision-making.
Don’t procrastinate today – Poor Habit – Damages business relationships.
Don’t ridicule anyone today – Toxic Trait.
Don’t hate anyone today – Toxic Trait.
Don’t smoke a cigarette today – Poor Health Habit.
Don’t be negative today – Negativity impairs: clear thinking, problem-solving, creativity and decision-making.
To-don’t lists are just as important as to-do lists.
For those who have too many bad habits, they may be more important.
To-don’t lists help keep you AWARE of the things you should not be doing.
Awareness is critical to change.
To-do’s, while a great success tool, only get you half way towards being successful.
To-don’ts take you the rest of the way.
What would be on your to-don’t list?
Take your life to the next level. Start a to-don’t list today.
Read more: propertyupdate.com.au